Jordi Aparicio
Born in Santa Coloma de Gramenet (Barcelona) on September 12, 1984
As part of the second generation of a family of watchmakers, he grew up surrounded by watches and learning his father skills. In 2002 he decided to study Micromechanical in the IPFP Mare de Déu de la Mercè in Barcelona and continued his training in several internationally reputable Swiss companies. All seemed to be aimed but one day, he snooped around a school near his job. That day he decided to start jewelry studies, with the Ciclo de Joyería Artística in the Escola d'Art del Treball de Barcelona.
Gradually he was falling in love of the profession and today most of his pieces mix all that knowledge to create pieces with own life. Since 2009 his work has been shown in many exhibitions and Galleries, national and international. Since 2016 he is teaching quarterly monographics jewelry workshops in the Escola d'Art del Treball de Barcelona. As many external intensive workshops around Spain.