Anastasia Buoy
Anastasia Buoy is a mixed media painter of abstract expressionism.
She has a scientific past (Ph.D. in molecular biology).In 2018Anastasiachangedherjobforart, since then she works in her Moscow based studio. In a similar vein with her previous field, biomedicine, Anastasia researches human-nature interaction, but from a perspective of emotional, even mystical experience.
Anastasia is an entirely self-taught artist. However, she intensively studies the history
of art. In her works, you can find references to Franz Kline, Robert Rauschenberg, Joan
Mitchell, Helen Frankenthaler.Currently, she is a student at The School of Contemporary Art Free Workshops (at MMOMA). By now Anastasia have participated in several exhibitions in Russia, in 2020she will take part in several international events.Her artworks could be found in many private and corporate collections around the world.