Shawanda "Aurora" Schiefer
Shawanda Shiefer is a digital artist, currently residing in Las Vegas, Nevada with her husband of 13 years. Shawanda graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and later obtained an MBA in Finance. Shawanda examines different styles, objects, and figures and incorporates that into her artwork to bring new depths and life to each piece. Shawanda draws inspiration from fashion designers and artists of her generation to depict strong females with elusive styles and self-control. Shawanda blend digital mix media into her digital art: painting, vector, photo intergration/manipulation, fractals, and various other digital techniques, which create a sense of strength and femininity in each picture. Shawanda brings depth and texture to each art piece. Shawanda wants to communicate a thought, a feeling, an emotion, and a message to the audience that allows the viewer to listen through sight. Shawanda's goal is to create a realistic representational style where boundaries are blurred between what is real and what is imaginary.
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