Chrys Roboras
Born and raised in Australia, her artistic views are shaped by the dissimilar Australian and Greek cultures, amalgamated, embedded in her subconscious. Her father hoped that "one day we would return to Greece", stories about how close the skies are "there" to a human being , the place where the old gods used to live, and the enormous, empty and open Australian landscape led to feeling of displacement, now representing in the body of her paintings and shaping her beliefs.
"It is important to recognize the natural need of a human being to find a place to belong to, a place whereone can find peace "Her love of the landscape and solitary figures has been influenced by the Romantic period of the 1800's and by of works of Caspar David Friedrich and William Turnerto mention but a few.
Her artistic journey takes one from the initial 'No Man's Land" nomadic motif series, with enormous landscapes and people trying to find their place, to 'In Man's Land' where a sense of belonging, acceptance, without insecurities of contemplation and doubt can be detected.With the passage of time, Chrys' understanding of the world slowly changes, and it seems that the sense ofdisplacement is fading away.
Her latest endeavoris portraits and the personality behind them.