Amalia Maciuca
I was born in Romania in 1991 and I have shown my interest in painting as a child. However, I managed to learn the basic knowledge and technique while studying Restoration and Conservation of Arts at the University of Arts in Iasi. This is where I practiced a variety of techniques such as tempera, oils and acrylics, so I discovered that each of them helps an artist to express their ideas in a different way. After graduating the university, due to financial issues I had to get a full time job in a corporate environment where I spent my time for almost 5 years. However, I continued to use the spare time for artistic purposes and worked as a freelance artist, creating commissioned artworks for clients.
In 2019 I have decided to leave the country for a better living so I have moved to Switzerland together with my husband. I have always wanted to live in a foreign country and now that I am here I must confess that the struggle is real. The good part is that all the changes that overwhelmed me in the latest months helped me create several paintings that best define me. This would have never happened back home with the full-time job and day to day responsibilities. The fact that here I have no friends and family had a great negative impact on myself but I had the power to channel this energy on creating and following my own path as an artist. Now I use all my time to read, watch movies and explore painting in various forms so that I can share my experiences with other people which are maybe struggling with the same issues at the moment.
Most of my paintings gravitate around feminine power and human ego themes. They are actually a result of how I react to all these changes and cultural differences and how I try to cope with my ego in a new world where nobody knows me.