Andre Sanchez
"I am a independant Illustrator/Photographist born in 1972, based in Paris / France.I started my profession as free lance artsit10years ago as an autodidact.my work consistsof acollageof photography and graphicelements.The mix of elements, specific to thisdigital collage technique, can also be seen in the subjects I choose. I like using the digitalcontents this way, for it gives me a lot of freedom when creating,it is symbolically rich, andlets me express my aesthetic vision of the picture.This is why in my compositions reality is unusual and the space and time dimensions arereinterpreted.I recently heard my search boxon collage,he approaches Pop artandDadaïsmby mixing analog and digital collage techniques.I work on a range of commercial commissions and projects in the publishing, editorial,fashion, music and advertising sectors.and attracts the attention of many clients, includingfamous publishing houses ( Grasset, Payot & Rivages, Condé Nast, Robert Laffont,...) andprestigious magazines (Le Monde, Psychologies Magazine, Rolling Stone, Liberation, TheSunday Telegraph, The Sunday Times,...)"