She grew up between the sciences and the arts, and this context would end up shaping her. She chose to pursue her professional career in a field of Medical Sciences (Dentistry), where she managed to combine aesthetics, handmade crafts and health.
She never abandoned her passion for the arts, practising painting, sculpture, photography and cold porcelain moulding. Everything that might involve a manual and artistic component aroused a curious look on her part. The opportunity arose to try out jewellery in 2008... And it was then that she decided that her life would follow along a different path...
She studied at the Contacto Directo School of Jewellers and at the Contacto de Autor School of Jewellers from 2008 to 2011, where she learned to master the technique and perfected the traditional methods of jewellery. It was during this period (in 2010) that her jewellery brand Ana Moreira® was born, with the purpose of giving life to unique pieces, joining unexpected raw materials to silver, following a process of experimentation.
She attended several jewellery workshops, seminars and conferences, and other related areas such as illustration (2009) and fusing (2012). She entered competitions and took part in exhibitions and various other initiatives, and in 2012 she studied at CINDOR.
In the meantime, and by natural means, the will to create combined with the philosophy of sustainability that has always been present in her personal life (she practices reutilization and conscious consumption). It was then that upcycling, a concept of creative reutilization, earned a space and meaning in her brand, now called Ana Moreira Jewellery®.
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