Earrings, Connecting the Past and Present
Opening Special Exhibition
The exhibition, which had been postponed for a long time due to corona, will finally be held.
The Seoul Craft Museum located at Anguk Station will participate in the special exhibition from
7.16. (Friday) to 9.12. (Sunday).
If you're interested, make sure to watch it when you go out in Insadong.
*Pre-opening viewing will begin at 7.16. (Friday) on a line that complies with the four-step distancing rules.
You can make a reservation through the website of the Seoul Craft Museum, and the link is as follows.
http://craftmuseum.seoul.go.kr/main (optimized for Chrome)
When you sign up, it works well on PC Chrome, but on Explorer and mobile phones, there's an error in the identification part.
Please keep in mind.
Let me ask of your attention. Thank you.
#엄유진 #공예작가 #서울공예박물관 #귀걸이전 #개관특별전 #과거와현재를꿰다 #중첩구조 #만화경 #오브젝트
#유년기억 #소중한 #공간 #건축물 #구조
#YoujinUm #metalcraft #artist #SeoulMuseumofCraftArt #Earrings #ConnectingthePastandPresent #SpecialExhibition
#overlay #kaleidoscope #object #childhood #precious #space #architectural #structure
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